Test name: {{testData.title}}
Test name: {{testData.title}}
Test name: {{testData.title}}

This test has expired

Sorry, You are little Early

Test starts at {{testData.startTime | date: "medium" }},{{testData.timezone}}, Please come back at that time

Your test invitation has restricted duration

Test starts at {{ inviteOpenTime | date: "medium" }},{{testData.timezone}} Please come back at that time

Registration through this link has expired

Registration through this link has not started yet

Test Attempt is blocked for mobile/tablet devices by the recruiter

You will be logged off from your existing session if you proceed
Organized By: {{companyName}}


This test is password protected. Please contact the test administrator.
Please enter an email address. Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter Date of Birth
          Please choose a gender from the given options
Please upload resume before proceeding

Note- Make sure you have working webcam ,microphone & working internet connection before proceeding

Email Verification Code
A verification code has been sent to {{candidate.email}}

Mobile Verification Code
A verification code has been sent to {{candidate.contactNumber}}
Skip mobile verification

Existing User Details

Password is your email verification code
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